Student Programming at Central is focused on providing students with opportunities for experiential learning, self-reflection, and personal and spiritual growth, driven by a philosophy that emphasizes the individual capacities and contributions of each and every student.
At Central, we reach out to others. Our chesed program dedicates time and effort to volunteering at different organizations, running drives, and collecting tzedakah. Central Service Initiative: CSI: the Central Service Initiative is an innovative program where students plan and execute chesed projects.
During club-hour, there are over 30 clubs to choose from! Academic clubs include: ACE, Girls Who Code, Debate, Model UN, Model Congress, College Bowl, History Bowl, and Torah Bowl. Performing Art Clubs include: Dance, Choir, Drama, and Poetry. And fun clubs, which are completely student run, include clubs like Track, Mindfulness, Environmental, Shabbos Party Club, and SO many more!!!
The Central Leadership Experience is an innovative program designed to foster leadership qualities and a sense of responsibility for the individual, our school, and the Jewish community. All student leaders at Central engage in leadership training seminars throughout the year, building their skills and facilitating meaningful conversations with their peers, mentors, and professionals about what it truly means to be a leader.
Performing Arts
The Central Playhouse is known to produce fantastic productions each school year. Our Cultural Arts Festival is a collaborative production that features all of our Performing Arts Clubs. The school play, most recently performed Shrek, The Little Mermaid, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella, The Third Wave, Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap, and Steel Magnolias, challenges our actresses to elevate the material and refine their theatrical talent.
Our Shabbatonim give students the opportunity to engage in the school community through meaningful session materials, exciting activities, and bonding with friends and faculty. Our Shabbaton model represents our Experiential Education mantra at its finest – a fusion of intentional and fun programming, coupled by warmth and enthusiasm. In addition to our annual School-Wide Shabbaton, each grade enjoys an individual Grade Shabbaton that takes place in some of our feeder neighborhoods.