
Our Mission

Our distinguished history in Jewish education dates back to 1948. Our vision is as innovative and creative as the 21st century itself.

The spiritual and academic life of Yeshiva University High School for Girls/Central is built upon the philosophy of Torah U’Madda L’chatchila. We believe that the synthesis of Jewish law and life and the wisdom of world civilization results in a heightened and enriched Judaism. Our mission directs our students to be knowledgeable, halachically committed Jews and broadly educated, intellectually curious, and caring members of society. As life-long learners, our students develop a personal devotion to G-d, Torah learning, integrity and commitment to ethical behavior. Identification with the destiny of our fellow Jews around the world, loyalty to Eretz Yisrael, and recognition of the modern State of Israel as the spiritual homeland of the Jewish people and the fulfillment of a religious Zionist vision are all cornerstones of our educational program.

Our commitment to Torah U’Madda requires students to pursue all academic studies with the intent of achieving a greater understanding of the world, reaching for personal academic achievement, and making a lasting difference in our community.

Our Mission